Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Committee
The S&A Committee
The S&A Fee Committee is responsible for reviewing applications and making budget recommendations to Bellevue College and the BC Board of Trustees for annual approval.
S&A Funding is meant to cover yearly costs, startup costs, and one-time asks for student activities. Use of S&A Funding must comply with the ASGBC Financial Code, the Killian document, relevant RCWs, and BC campus policies and procedures.
The voting membership of the S&A committee consists of the following individuals:
The ASGBC Director of Finance who shall serve as Chair.
The ASGBC President who shall serve as parliamentarian.
Four (4) students-at-large appointed by the ASGBC Board of Directors
One student-at-large member shall be elected by the committee to serve as one of the committee recorders.
Up to two (2) student-at-large members may be appointed from ASGBC entities (Student Senate, Offices of the ASGBC), but may not be appointed from the membership of the ASGBC Board of Directors.
One (1) Classified Staff.
One (1) Faculty.
One (1) Administrative Staff.
The non-voting membership of the S&A committee consists of the following individuals:
The Dean of Student Life and Leadership (or designee) shall serve as the lead advisor of the committee and will assist with basic administrative tasks and oversee the S&A application process.
The Director of Student Engagement and Executive Director of Finance shall serve as consultants to the S&A Committee.
2023-2024 S&A Committee
Meet the dedicated members of the 2023-2024 S&A Committee:
ASGBC Treasurer: Heidi Ngo (Chairperson)
ASGBC President: Sean Behl
Student-at-Large: Alarick Alfredo-Sorto
Student-at-Large: Graciella Nzowo
BC Faculty Member: Ethan Anderson
BC Exempt Staff: Becca Marrion
BC Classified Staff: Travis Sage
Guiding Documents and More Information
Guiding Documents​
ASGBC Financial Code June-14-2024 [PDF]
Services and Activities (S&A) Fee Use - Compliance and Guidance (Rev. 2022) [PDF]
S&A Budget Allocation Archive​
2024-2025 S&A Budget Allocations approved by the Board of Trustees
2023-2024 S&A Budget Allocations approved by the Board of Trustees
2022-2023 S&A Budget Allocations approved by the Board of Trustees
2021-2022 S&A Budget Allocations approved by the Board of Trustees
How Your Fees Are Spent
For more information about the S&A process, including details about application, timelines, etc, please visit How Your Fees are Spent.
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please contact the ASGBC Director of Finance at