Programs of the ASGBC
An ASGBC program is a structured initiative developed and managed by the ASGBC to enhance the student experience by addressing specific needs and providing essential services to the student body. These programs are characterized by their focus on student welfare, accessibility, and support, and are designed to improve various aspects of student life at Bellevue College

Laptop Loan Program
This program is available to students each quarter who are in need of a laptop for school purposes. Click on the button to learn more about this program, how to apply, and what devices we currently offer.
Cap and Gown Loan
This program is available to students during spring quarter who are in need of graduation attire but may face barriers in purchasing their own. We loan out caps and gown to graduates on a first come first serve basis with priority given to students who demonstrate financial need. Click on the button to learn more about this program, and how to apply.

Umbrella Loan Program
This program is being piloted during the 2024-2025 academic year. This program will offer umbrellas around the campus for students to use when necessary. If you have any questions about this program feel free to contact us!
Student Shuttle Service Program
This program has been funded and is currently being worked on. Once running this program will offer a free shuttle service for BC students to get access to places around the Bellevue area such as stores, health clinics, dental offices, and more! We will update this page once more information is available.

Course Material Voucher Program
This program is available to students starting in fall quarter 2024. This program offers $50 vouchers for students to purchase their course materials through the BC bookstore, on a first come first serve basis with priority given to students who demonstrate financial need. Click on the button below to learn more about this program, and how to apply,
Digital Signage Program
This program is being piloted during the 2024-2025 academic year. This program will install digital information screens around campus to limit paper waste and increase information dissemination for student activities, organizations and opportunities.


Charging Station Program
This program is being piloted during the 2024-2025 academic year. This program will offer charging stations around campus, with the first station being placed in the C building lobby. If you’d like to see more stations on campus, or have ideas for expansion, feel free to contact us!