Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee
The Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee
The Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the graduating student who will speak and represent their graduating class during the commencement ceremony each academic year.
The voting membership of the Student Commencement Speaker Committee shall consist of the following individuals:
The ASGBC Vice President who shall serve as Chair
The ASGBC President
One (1) ASGBC Student Senator appointed by the Chair
One (1) Student-at-Large appointed by the Chair
One (1) Classified Staff representative
One (1) BC Faculty representative (preferably from communications)
The Dean of Student Life and Leadership
Application and Selection
The application for the student commencement speaker shall become available before the end of winter quarter, and will be linked on this page.
Selection and Previous Speakers
For more information regarding selection, and to see a list of the previous speakers, please click here.
2023-2024 Student Commencement Speaker Selection Committee
Meet the dedicated members of the 2023-2024 Electoral Committee:
ASGBC Vice President: Rebecca Mbaka (Chairperson)
ASGBC Officer: Daniel Ngoy
ASGBC Student Senator: Kes Smith
Student-at-Large: Vacant
Dean of Student Life and Leadership: Michael Kaptik
BC Staff Member: Aidrien Wilkins
BC Faculty Member: Bruce Wolcott
Selection Results
ASGBC President Sean Behl was selected to serve as the commencement speaker the 2023-2024 Bellevue College Commencement Ceremony.
More Information
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please contact the ASGBC Vice President at